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Babe's Feather Rolls
This is Luke Sicking's favorite bread recipe. And it is quite delicious.
It comes from his Babe's cookbook - named after the movie Babe the pig. I think it's because it's an all vegetarian cookbook.
Setup: Preheat oven to 350°
½ cup Milk ½ cup 1 tsp Sugar
½ cup Butter 1 tsp. Salt
¼ cup warm Water 2 envelopes dry Yeast
2 large Eggs, beaten 4 cups Flour
Method: Scald Milk and add Sugar, Butter and Salt. Cool.
In a large bowl stir Water, 1 tsp Sugar, and Yeast. Let stand until foamy.
Add Milk mixture to Yeast mixture.
Add beaten Eggs.
Add Flour gradually, beating until you have a soft dough.
Let rise until doubled in bulk, approx 2 hours.
Punch down and knead lightly a few times.
Form dough into rolls, let rise until doubled. about 45 minutes.
Bake 15 minutes.
-- Contributed by Elaine Miazga --
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