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Julie's Slaw
Also known, variously, as "Chinese Slaw" and "Asian Slaw." But since we originally got the recipe from Julie, it will forever in our minds be known as "Julie's Slaw."
Setup: Begin this recipe at least 4 hours before serving. The cabbage needs to marinate in the dressing for at least that long.
1 Bag Shredded Cabbage ½ Cup Oil
3 Tbsp. Vinegar 3 Tbsp. Sugar
½ tespoon Salt ½ teaspoon Pepper
3 or 4 Green Onions, chopped 1 package Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles
½ cup Sunflower Seeds ½ cup slivered Almonds
Method: Mix: Oil, Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Sugar and seasoning packet from Ramen Noodles
Add this mixture to the Shredded Cabbage and chopped Green Onions.
Allow to marinate for four hours.

Just before serving, add Sunflower Seeds, slivered Almonds and crumbled raw Ramen Noodles.
-- Contributed by Matt Sicking --
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