DBC Meeting #6 Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Held at the Duchesne Bar and Grill.
The July meeting of the DBC was held at Duchesne Bar and Grill in downtown St. Charles, MO. Named after the local high school, this fine establishment is a friendly place where the Duchesne students can grab a quick brew between classes or relax with a shot of Jack Daniels and a pack of Marlboro’s after a long day of algebra and geography. The menu and prices are similar to Fast Eddies with peel and eat shrimp, k-bobs and burgers but the crowd is manageable and tables are plentiful. Because it was a school night, the DHS pom squad had already gone home to bed by the time we arrived. Mungo and Mgus were sorry they missed them as they were hoping to teach them some DBC dance routines. Our Chairperson/Steward (N. Slots Machine Lloyd) called the meeting to order at precisely 7:30, 7:35, 7:55, 8:12 and once again at 8:15. She also gaveled the DBC seckitary at approximately 8:13. It’s possible that the power and prestige associated with the position of Chairperson/Steward has gone to her head and it may be time to curtail her plastic gavel rights. (Either that or it was a willy-nilly night with the members running amuck and order was thrown out with the first bucket of beer.) The inspirational reading had to be delayed because Chip Off the Block and Wally Ball Wilhlem were not in attendance yet. A quick call soon revealed that they had the dates wrong and were planning on being there the following night. Making up for lost time, they hurriedly made themselves presentable and arrived in short order. Now the Inspirational Guru was able to proceed. Unfortunately she had now forgotten the night’s passage and had to take a moment to regroup. It was worth the wait however as we all marveled at her wisdom when she so eloquently shared these motivational words with the club....
Following the few moments of silence we all took to fully digest the night’s inspirational message, members were presented with their DBC official membership package. (Out of town members, in town absentees and emeritus members should have received their membership packages as well by now. Please contact management if yours has not arrived.) The joy of actually being a full-fledged DBC member was apparent in everyone’s face and it was with great pride that we all ceremoniously donned our DBC badge. Having conducted all official DBC points of order we then got down to the business of current events, world news discussion and socialization. Because many of these topics are thought provoking, mind enriching and highly enlightening they have been recorded and outlined below for the benefit of those absent.
There was a 25-cent bet placed on whether Mark W. would show. The following members came out 25 cents ahead:
Our thanks to Mark W. for showing up. And because inquiring minds want to know, this week’s survey is as follows:
What we’re not telling those of you who didn’t show is what the survey topic was. We had a special guest at this month’s meeting. A warm welcome was extended by all DBC members to Ms. Jennifer Norton, guest of Miss Kitty and friend to all. Jen served as designated driver to some of the St. Charles/St. Peters members and also carted our South St. Louis member to her father in law’s car located at Horstmeiers Bar. (Why we wonder was Mr. B’s car left at a bar when he himself is wheelchair bound and unable to drive?) This meeting lasted longer than our norm, and I don’t believe it was ever officially adjourned, so we were left to our own devices to determine departure time. We believe it ended somewhere around 11:30 pm.. Final Club Business Membership Badges: Now that everyone has theirs, they will be a requirement for participation in all future meetings. They should also be worn to any club sponsored events. The August meeting will be the family float trip the weekend of August 6th. Please see Laura for details. We still don’t have Jan’s new club name correct. Clare says it should have been Interplanet Janet because it rhymes. So henceforth, she will be called Interplant Janet. (Henceforth meaning: until we or Janet come up with another name. We're flexible. -- Ed.) And lastly my thanks to Slots, Dixie and Miss Kitty for helping with the minutes of this month’s meeting. They recorded many of the highlights listed above during my bathroom breaks and attention span failures. - Respectfully submitted this 15th day of July, 2005 - Alane Inaz Sharkaway Macaroni - Seckitary