On the first really cold and blustery day of fall the DBC members ventured into the dark swirling winds of an Autumn
night to attend November's meeting. Just as Nancy, Laura, Jennifer Norton and yours truly arrived at Buffalo Wild
Wings we spotted Mark and some strange woman entering the building right ahead of us. Why we wondered, was this
stranger waving to us and walking in such close proximity to our brother? What would Teresa think? Poor Teresa.
If only she had come to the meeting this month perhaps she could have usurped the interloper on our dear brother's arm.
We discussed several methods of distancing ourselves from this she-devil, but none would do. She was sticking to him
like glue and seemed intent on joining us. So knowing as we all do that politeness is to do and say the kindest things
in the nicest way, we felt compelled to allow her to remain at Mark's side. This woman not only had bonded to our
oldest male sibling, but now also had access to the inner workings of the Dodie and Bones Club. With trepidation and
heavy hearts, we forged on. (Oh Teresa, why couldn't you have been there?)
Buffalo Wild Wings proved to be a loud and boisterous establishment that was not conducive to pleasant conversation
and turned the simplest act of mockery into a yelling fest. Snide comments and sarcastic observations were lost in
the deafening racket and relocation of the DBC meeting quickly became evident. What was not so evident however, was
our waiter's understanding of the situation. Over and over we yelled that we couldn't hear and would be leaving.
Over and over he tried to take our order. One last time in unison we yelled “WE CAN'T HEAR!” Finally and with some
embarrassment, our waiting apologized for not understanding, told us he was deaf and pointed out his hearing aid.
(We had one drink, tried the spicy shrimp and left him a good tip before moving on.)
Now seated comfortably in a private dining room of the much quieter Gas House Grill we settled down to await the
remaining members arrival. Jeannette didn't leave us hanging long and showed up at 7:45. Fred followed shortly
thereafter and made his presence known at 8:07. Julie prioritized, called short her school board meeting and
scrambled in at 8:45. And finally one minute after Matt's entrance at 9:05 the November DBC meeting was officially
called to order. For reasons unknown it was called to order again at 9:07.
Julie then proceeded to inspire us with the following message:
“I hope that if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't go just by size, because I think
there are probably a lot of Chihuahua's with good ideas.”
Once again, Julie didn't let us down and we marveled at her wisdom.
Formalities now having been taken care of, we embarked on our usual discussions pertaining to the state of the
union, political figureheads and global finance. For those interested, highlights follow:
Topics of Discussion:
- Teresa would have been tired, crabby and pushy if she had come
- This is the second time we've changed venues during a meeting
- Mark Blasphemed the DBC
- Teresa might have sang, oh la la la di da
- Nancy is wearing her silk jammies
- Laura is needy
- Jen is quiet – she says she's not, but she is
- Mark is full of crumbly shrimp
- Onion Straws!
- Is it BudLight or Bud Select?
- Everything Mark does, he does for me
- We left 2 onion straws for Jeannette
- Elaine is talking about boring hand business
- Jeannette fondly remembers being at the Gas House Grill on their opening night and tells how Matt puked and had diarrhea
- Jeannette wants her own bill
- Chicken strips are not made of cheese
- This pen is golden
- Joanna is our waitress
- Everyone tried to sing “Joanna, Joanna”
- Laura's friends from Phoenix always call on DBC nights.
- Jeannette's bag is huge
- Walt's Papering
- Jen took a taste and it was different
- Blue Lagoon – Fred couldn't stay away
- Fred dissed Nancy
- Oops – Nancy is in Double Dutch
- Observation: Fred and Nancy relate nicely even when they are fighting
- Fred touched Jeannette's tomatoes
- Fred is beating Nancy with a horse
- Jeannette called – Teresa can't come
- Oh Teresa, bring on the dancing jalapenos
- Can Joanna do anything else for us?
- You are all too high brow for country music
- Jen and Elaine have good taste in music
- Jeannette has had enough of Fred and is beating him with a dead horse
- Drunken guy doesn't think he can be taken down
- Elaine can't stand the sight of drunken guy and makes faces at him
- Mark had a serious out patient operation on his knee and walked out of the hospital
- Mark is immune to drugs
- Julie is on her way
- Nancy makes all Fred's decisions and gives him directions
- We have a nirie noud?
- Mark is judgmental
- Laura is not allowed in stained glass bocce ball rooms
- Snippy is the word of the night
- Jen envy's Julie's satchel
- Angela is in a serious good play
- Jell, Jell, Jell
- Julie is getting royal treatment
- John's dad is at home and is doing better than he has in 4 years
- Joanna turned down the heat and everyone's getting cold
- Mark changed words to Jesus Christ Superstar to fit Julie's name
- Jeans don't hurt Mark
- Jen's family bought lakeside property. They would be happy to have the DBC over for a weekend getaway.
- Angela wants to be a teacher with a degree from Loyola
- Nancy doesn't know what to say
- Matt where are you and why don't we have many notes on you yet?
- Nancy and Elaine are shy in public
- Clare changed her e-mail address to avoid coming to DBC meetings
- No beer fund money this month
- Julie will probably mix school board minutes with DBC events
- Matt previously threw up right outside this door
- Mark is quiet tomorrow
- Mark's knee operation is bringing him down
- Bocce wins two times strong hold from second last place. Go Matt and Bocce Boys!
- Luke plays on Matt's team
- Ali went on a date with a service man. Her parents have lost all control.
- Laura wishes Susan Burns were here tonight so she could get a pot
- Julie is one of my 5 favorite sisters
- Julie turns her back on Laura
- This pen is still quite golden
- Matt gets (mad) when people ask for communion
- Elaine steals woman's pew and she had to stand and then kneel on the floor
- Elaine offers the woman her seat back – but noooooooo.........
- Fred warrants silence and makes us
- Sad Sack Mark
- Mark and Matt sing a song called Bookends – With No Mocking!
- Nancy has a concrete Jesus
- Julies doesn't have any earlobes, but Matt does
- Why are we out of beer?
- According to Laura, Elaine talks too much and is too boring, blah blah blah
- It's really not right to puke in church
- The Baptist in our midst feels uncomfortable with all this church talk
- Julie is flaring her nostrils and sneezing
- Julie won't talk to John about the tile cutter.
- Laura's shoes are ugly and shiny
- Where are Elaine and Nancy going?
- Fred says words
- Mark Wilhelm says nothing because he isn't here
- Julie starves on Thanksgiving
- This is a great pen
It is with great sadness that I must report no polls were taken at the November meeting.
Informative data collection of our personal habits will have to wait until December. Holiday planning took
precedence and used up this months' allotted poll time. It was not for naught, however and the following
Christmas Eve decisions were made.
- Will be held at the Lloyd's Residence in beautiful St. Peters, MO
- Host and Hostess will provide accommodations only. No food or drink, but toilet paper should be
- Matt will bring half size pigs 'n blankets. Enough for small children and adults alike.
Remaining St. Louis siblings will bring an appetizer and one dozen cookies. Cost will be divided equally among
sibs. in attendance.
- The placing of the child Jesus in the outdoor manger ceremony will be continued at the Lloyds. We
believe all the grandchildren have had a turn at this and we nominate Tori and Alex for this year's
- Check Sicking website for times and any additional information.
Finally, mention must now be made of the failure to appear citation issued to Chip off the Block and Wally
Ball Wilhelm for carelessly ignoring repeated e-mails, messages and notifications regarding the November DBC
meeting. Ignorance is no excuse for the DBC law. Excuses of not receiving the e-mails, knowing the date of the
meeting or getting any calls regarding same is not just cause for absenteeism. Their actions will be taken up by
the DBC Quadrilateral Commission if in fact there were a Quadrilateral Commission which we all know there isn't.
Or do we?
Final Club Business
Next DBC meeting will be held on December 7, 2005 at Smokey Bones in Chesterfield. See Nancy and Fred
for details, or check the Events page on www.sickingfamily.com
Respectfully submitted somewhat late
This 22nd day of November, 2005
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